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Medivac (medical evacuation)/repatriation

Service will assist in taking you to Bangkok, Singapore or your home country when medical cases are severe or insurance requirement to be treated at nearest center of medical excellence and cannot be treated in the Vietnam.  A few international clinics can provide this service such as IFM (www.ifmclinic.com), ISOS and FMP.  However, costs are varied so please check for quote.  This service cover by most international insurance and travel insurance or self pay. IFM doctors are western-trained and used to do over 90% international evacuations / repatriations for ISOS now committed to serve the expatriate communitiy in Viet Nam with international standard and affordable medical treatment. 

As soon as you arrive in Vietnam it is advisable to register with a local international clinic and provide personal details and insurance information. This will save time on your next visit, or in case of an emergency.

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